Become a member

Orions Favorite
$5 per month

You earn Orion's love when I give him a treat in your name!!

Members Only Discounts!!
Orion's Favorite Merch!!
Orion loves you and gets a treat!!!
An extra way to help support me!!!
Ghost Husbands Approval
$10 per month

You'll have earned his thanks and approval!!!

Members Only Discounts!!
Husbands Approval Merch + previous tiers
Special Discord Role!!!
Ghost husband appreciates you!!
An extra way to help support me!!!
Lyelye Destroyer
$20 per month

Are you trying to make me freak out? This is probably how lol

Members Only Discounts!!
Lyelye Destroyer Merch + previous tiers
Special Discord Role!!!
VIP on Twitch (if applicable)
An extra way to help support me!!!